ADOBE 65127989

Adobe Flash Builder for PHP Premium - paquete completo Estánda

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Adobe Flash Builder for PHP Premium - paquete completo Estándar Inglés 1 usuario
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Flash Builder Premium 4.5 for PHP, Win/Mac, Retail, Box, ENG

Adobe Flash Builder for PHP Premium - paquete completo Estándar Inglés 1 usuario

Adobe Flash Builder 4.5 for PHP
What is Flash Builder 4.5 for PHP?
Adobe® Flash® Builder® 4.5 for PHP software, formerly Adobe Flex® Builder®, is an Eclipse™ based development tool developed in partnership with Zend Technologies™ for rapidly building expressive mobile, web, and desktop applications using PHP, ActionScript®, and the open source Flex framework.

Mobile app development for multiple platforms
Build standalone Flex/ActionScript® applications for one or more mobile platforms (Android™, BlackBerry®, or iOS). Design and Code views support mobile development using mobile-ready components.

Previewing and debugging of mobile applications
Test mobile applications on the desktop using a mobile Adobe AIR® runtime emulator, or test on locally connected mobile devices using a one-click process to package, deploy, and launch.

Mobile application packaging and signing
Deploy, package, and sign required resources as platform-specific installer files for upload to a mobile application distribution site or store.

Code generation
Use QuickAssist/Fix to rename and manipulate variables, generate getters/setters and event handlers, organize imports, and more. Use the override/implements feature to define methods from a superclass or interface.

Invalid reference live highlighting
See references to invalid variables, methods, classes, and interfaces as you are typing in the code editor, and then use the Quick Assist/Fix features to generate stub code.

Code templates
Use over 100 new best-practice code templates (aka snippets) for ActionScript, MXML, and CSS. Review and insert templates using code assist. Create custom templates and import or export them for sharing within teams.

Bidirectional designer/developer workflow
Take advantage of new support in Flash Builder 4.5 and Flash Catalyst CS5.5 that enables designers to open, make changes to, and save Flex projects that were either created or previously edited in Flash Builder.

Integrated copy of Zend Studio 8
Create Flex/PHP projects using a wizard, introspect PHP classes, and debug using the integrated debugger. Develop, test, and debug faster, troubleshoot issues quickly, and improve team collaboration.

Quick problem finding and resolution
Benefit from comprehensive PHP and JavaScript debugging, PHP profiling, built-in PHP unit testing, and Zend Server integration for seamless application monitoring and troubleshooting.

Más información: Flash Builder Premium 4.5 f/ PHP, Win/Mac, RTL, Box, ENG
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ReferenciaADOBE 65127989
Versión de Software4.5
Máquina Virtual JavaJRE 1.6
Tipo de softwareBox
Capacidad mínima del disco curo1500
RAM mínima1024
Procesador mínimo2 GHz
Compatible con Mac
Sistemas operativos compatiblesWindows XP SP3
Windows Vista Ultimate
Windows Vista Enterprise
Windows Server 2008
Windows 7
Mac OSX v10.6
Requisitos mínimos del sistemaVGA 1024x768
Eclipse 3.6.1
RAM recomendada2048
Versión de idiomaENG
Fuente de hoja de datosicecat
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